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Smooth (time signal)
Working area and channel are defined by Select region and Select channel.
Smoothing in the time domain is achieved through averaging within a sliding rectangular window. The width of the window in samples is set by the number of bins.
Smooth (spectrum)
Working area and channel are defined by Select region and Select channel.
Smooth setup
Here the parameters for the operation are set. Process offers the options of continuous smoothing or smoothing in steps.
Continuous smoothing
Using continuous smoothing, the magnitude (Smoothing of magnitude), the group delay (Smoothing of group delay) or both (Smoothing of both) can be modified.
The region to be considered for the averaging can be specified linearly (Method lin. by entering the number of evaluated frequency values (bins)) or logarithmically (Method log. by entering the width of the evaluated frequency band in octaves (Bandw. [1/oct.])).
Smoothing in steps
The smoothing in steps is differentiated by two methods using averaging (Method averaged) or summation (Method added (SPL)).
The width of the steps is specified in octaves (Bandw. [1/oct.]).
The following plot shows an example of the different smoothing methods applied to the frequency response measurement of a sound reinforcement system.