Export to Excel/CSV

    In Write options the settings for the export procedure are configured. Format offers the options Excel and CSV. If Excel is chosen, also the Excel-sheet to write into can be defined, as well as the insert point in the cell array (Insert at cell).

    Append data

    The data is written behind potential content already present in the file.

    Offset to cell

    If the offset is 0, Append data starts writing into the first empty cell behind the data already present, otherwise that starting point is shifted further by the offset value.

    Use column header writes a label for the quantities into the first row of the exported data.

    Use same name being activated, the exported file gets the same name as the WinMF file evaluated. Otherwise a user-defined file name can be written into Info data file.

    Cancel terminates the export and closes the window, whereas Ok starts the export procedure.