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External batch
This menu executes an external batch file. The file path is set under Path. The path has to be relative to the Base bath under Preferences. The batch filename and parameters are set under Execute. An additional data file can be defined under Data file. An application for this menu is the automated programming of electronic devices during production or QC.
To insert special characters, the 3-digit ASCII code is used together with a #. A line feed, for example, is generated using #010.
In order to use the serial number from Process control, the variable #SER is to be used. #SER is replaced by the serial number during execution of the menu. #SER is case sensitive and has to written exactly like this.
Is the serial number itself containing special characters like space, the variable #SER has to be used with double marks: "#SER".
If a batch is executed and at the same time the output should be visible, the command "start /WAIT /D [Pfad] [.bat file]" has to be used.
The actual time domain filepath is read out by the identifier #TIME_FILEPATH.
The actual frequency domain filepath is read out by the identifier #FREQ_FILEPATH.
After a QC run, the actual time- and frequency domain path is always the path for the tested device, also after a failed result.